Many people are familiar with ear syringing as a means of removing ear wax, in fact many people with think this is the only way a build up of wax can be removed from an ear. Whilst this is no longer the only method, it is still the most common. Since may GPs stopped providing this service unfortunately this has led to some people trying to turn their hand to DIY ear syringing with relatively inexpensive home DIY kits. However, whilst this may sometimes provides successful result you will probably not hear (no pun intended) of those which don't work or worse, those incidents which lead to an ear issues due to the embarrassment of it being caused through self syringing, or simply asking a friend of family member to squirt some water in their ear!
Ear channels differ greatly from one person to another and the build up of ear wax can occur in different locations and size along the ear canal. Without first properly inspecting the ear canal with the right equipment, such as an Otoscope, you may simply end up pushing the wax from the external ear canal to the middle canal and make things worse.
Exerting to much pressure on an ear syringe is what started to give ear syringing poor press as a method of ear wax removal with resulting infections, or worse - damage to the ear drum. Done by a trained professional, with professional equipment, ear syringing (or rather warm water ear irrigation) will result in the removal of built up ear wax quickly and safely - with many people actually finding the experience quite enjoyable!
Whilst ear irrigation is found to be a much more pleasant (with some patients quite enjoying the experience) it is not always an option. If you have a perforated eardrum or recently had ear surgery, ear irrigation should be avoided which is why we have the option of microsuction too. It is also not suitable if you have an ear infection, or have Tympanostomy tubes (ear tubes) fitted.
We've had some clients asking if the images shown of earwax on our Google profile and website are genuine...
Our answer is a definite 'Yes' and here is a short video captured by a recent patient's relative towards the end of a warm water irrigation procedure (the safe option to ear syringing). You'll see what pops out at the end...
Ear wax irrigation is aften used as an alternative way of meaning ear syringing but there is a subtle difference relating to the equipment rather than the actual principles used to remove the build up of wax.
Irrigation, in medical terms, means the washing out of a wound or body part with a continuous flow of water or other suitable liquid. When referring to ear wax removal this will be with warm water. So you are probably thinking this is what happens with ear syringing and you would be right - so what's the difference, why have two names for the same thing? Well, yes both use a stream of warm water to dislodge and flush out wax from the ear canal but syringing refers to using a large metal syringe. The user of the syringe is manually controlling the speed and force applied to the plunger in the syringe, which can vary - sometime to great degrees. This potential to vary the pressure applied to the water through syringing is what has let to some audiologist, GPs and ear wax removal clinics steering away from this method of ear wax removal in favour of microsuction only. However, with ear irrigation the small jet of water is carefully controlled using a machine so there is no variation and changes in pressure can be slowly and gradually applied, ensuring that this process of wax removal is extremely safe.
Microsuction is not always the best options for certain individuals based on the condition or their ears, the nature of wax build up and the physiology of their ear canal.
At Happy Ears we take the guess work out of which ear wax removal method would be most suitable just for you. Following our initial ear inspection we will provide you with a plan English summary of what we have found, which ear way removal method we will be using and why so you have complete peace of mind.
Yes - there is a quite a difference but both terms are generally assumed to mean the same thing and are commonly interchanged with most people interpreting them as one and the same. It's easy to see why as both use warm water to flush out blocked wax. The subtle difference comes down to what is used to inject to water into the ear canal. An ear syring is a typically a faily large metal syring. The water pressure is determined by the speed at which the syring plug is pushed down. As a result there can be a variation of water force. If someone applies too much pressure to the syring plunger this could result in ear canal damage leading to infections or worst case perforation of the ear drum. Ear irrigation simply does the same thing but the water pressure is controlled using a machine. This irrigation machine carefully controls the pressure of the water coming our of the irrigator tip meaning a much safer injection of water into the ear canal.
It can be and often is, however there is a greater risk of potential damage which is why this practise is no longer offered by the NHS.
The much safer alternative is ear irrigation which uses the same pricinciple of using warm water to flush out the wax but water pressure is controlled by a machine.
Attempting to remove ear wax using a DIY syring can be dangerous.
No. Although if you have already seen a GP and know for sure that the issue with your ear is a wax build-up then this will give you peace of mind when booking with us. If we identify that there is not a wax issue but an underlying ear problem unrelated to a wax blockage we will let you know and not perform any precedure.
This will depend on the position and nature of the wax build-up. If readily accessible, manual removal of ear wax is the safest method but often this option is not possible due to the position of the wax in the ear canal and the canal shape too. Microsuction is generally seen as the next safest option for wax removal from deeper into the ear canal.
Just see our reviews. We provide a competitively priced ear syringing service carried out by trained professionals. We always conduct an initial ear inspection before any treatment to ensure ear syringing is the most suitable option for you. If it isn't, then we have other ear wax removal techniques to use - such as microsuction to ensure we are able to get the best results for you - compared to other clinics, which may only offer one method of ear wax removal.
If we take the question to refer to ear irrigation then 'yes' as flying is not a contraindication to ear irrigation. However, is this is a holiday flight then you should be more concerned about keeping your ears dry for 4-5 days to minimise possible infection from dirt and micro-organisms found in water , esoecially the sea. Where practicable you should use ear plugs until your ear has priduced more wax which provide a protective barrier around your ear canal.
There are no age restrictions to ear wax removal using warm water irrigation. However, for anyone under 18 written parental or guardian consent will be required. Following consultation and examination of the ears the clinition will decide whether or not ear wax removal ising irrigation should be carried out.
Due to the nature of the procedure we only allow one other person to accompany the patient in the clinic if their consent is given.
Yes - If you have been advised to have your ear wax removed we recommend applying an olive oil spray to the affected ear or ears. This is available from most pharmacies to loosen the ear wax and should be applied for at least 2 days before your appointment, ideally 3-5 days, twice a day. This will minimise the need for a second appointment.
We DO NOT recommend the use of sodium bicarbonate ear drops.
By Appointment only
Clinic Address: 4 Marlborough Road, Woodthorpe, Nottingham NG5 4FG
Phone: 0115 647 1155
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